
From the school’s earliest days, the TAS community fostered a culture of philanthropy which continues strongly today.

The TAS Foundation exists to provide the essential financial support the school needs to provide scholarships, bursaries and funds for new buildings. It relies on the generosity of our community and the acts of philanthropy that were at the very heart of the founding of the school.

Over the course of its history, the proud and committed TAS community has endowed the school with significant building projects and a corpus of scholarships and bursary funds that has created the wonderful school we have today and enabled students to attend who may otherwise have not been able to.  From the Maxwell building in the early 20th century to the Memorial Hall of the 1950s and the magnificent Hoskins Centre given so recently.

The TAS Foundation dates from 1983 when Alan Cash (Headmaster 1962-1982), concerned for the future financial security of the school, worked with the School Council to establish the Foundation and became its first Director. We are indebted to past generations of supporters who have shown their commitment to the future of the School by bequeathing funds, shares, real property, energy and time and to the current Foundation members who understand this legacy and are equal in their generosity.

Tax deductible donations can be made at any time with the broad objective of anticipating and providing  the funding needs of our families.