Casual Boarding

Casual boarding provides an opportunity to stay overnight at the school should involvement in school activities or family circumstances make it convenient to do so. This is a terrific opportunity for day students to enjoy the company of their boarder friends and participate in the full life of the school.

For a small fee, many day boys and girls also enjoy joining boarders for lunch in the Dining Room where each day a range of salads and hot food are provided in abundant quantities to satisfy growing adolescents.

This casual mingling between staff and students adds enormously to the collegiality, support and rapport between day students and boarders, and staff alike. Similarly, day students often invite boarding friends to stay with them on weekends or during school breaks.

Just as day students comment on the advantages of meeting friends from all over the world who board at TAS, boarding students find their lives enriched by contact with friends and families who welcome them into their homes.