Year 12

Year 12 is all about making, and meeting, expectations. As young adults, Year 12 students are working towards the end goal of their secondary education: outcomes that give them the options they would like to have as they venture onto further study or into the workforce.

TAS has a firm belief that the key to maximising options for our young men and women after school is determined more by subject selection and attitude to study and learning, than the pursuit of a particular Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) alone. With a strong sense of self and purpose, our most senior students are encouraged to pursue their academic goals, supported by academic staff and tutors well beyond classroom hours. This includes special subject tutoring (including in boarding houses) at night, extended library opening hours, and an HSC study camp. As their year progresses, students hand over their leadership roles to those in Year 11, allowing them to focus solely on their studies for the HSC.
While they return to TAS to sit their exams, school life culminates in valedictory commemorations at the end of Term 3, which include formal house dinners and the school community lining the front drive to officially farewell the valedicts who process from the chapel to their final Assembly in the Memorial Hall.

On Valedictory Day itself, parents join their sons and daughters for a communion service then lunch and the Year 12 awards presentation in the Dining Hall. At its conclusion, the students are presented with ties, signifying their transition from student to alumni – and membership of a global network they will be a part of for the rest of their lives.