
TAS students - this is the place on the website where you can find everything you need to know. A Students’ Noticeboard will be regularly updated; there are links to subject handbooks and year group stuff, the forms you may need from time to time, and also the School Rules and Regulations (which you really, really should read). Why not check out what’s in the portal for yourself - and save it to your bookmarks.

Assessment Schedules

2020 Year 12 Assessment Schedule (Update)

2020 Year 11 Assessment Grid

2020 Year 10 Assessment Schedule (Core Subjects)

2020 Year 9 Assessment Schedule (Core Subjects) – Semester 1

2020 Year 8 Assessment Schedule – Semester 1 2020

Year 7 Assessment Schedule – Semester 1

2020 Year 6 Assessment Schedule – Semester 1



TAS Stage 6 Academic Program

(Year 11 and 12)


Stage 6 Assessment Policy

Year 11 2020 Subject Lines


TAS Stage 5 Academic Electives Program

(Year 9 and 10)

If you were unable to attend the Stage 5 electives information session you can download the Stage 5 Academic Program Handbook  below.


Stage 5 TAS Elective Lines 2020

Stage 5 Academic Assessment Policy




Daily Absence
If your child is to be absent from school for any reason, including arriving late or leaving early, please advise the appropriate Administration Assistant (see below), explaining the reason for absence by phone, email, or written note before 10.00 am that day. In addition a written note confirming the circumstances of the absence is required within 7 days.

Sickness in excess of 4 school days requires a doctor’s certificate detailing the nature of sickness and duration of sickness.

Junior School: Phone 6776 5817 or by email

Middle School: Phone 6776 5819 or by email

Senior School: Phone 6776 5800 or by email

More information about absentees and extended leave can be found HERE